The following review is entirely my opinion. I encourage you to comment but please be respectful. If you don't agree with my opinion that's completely ok. I am just sharing my opinion and perspective of this novel.

Author:Juliet Madison
Series: The Delta Girls #1
Publication Date: 14th July, 2015
Published by: Diversion Books
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Romance
When Savannah wakes up after two months in the hospital, she sees a whole lot more than expected, things that could put those close to her at risk.
The five Delcarta sisters have never believed in the paranormal, not like their woo-woo mother. Instead they believe in the power of sisterhood, of romance, and rebuilding their lives after their father's mysterious disappearance nine years earlier. Starting anew in the small town of Iris Harbor, they see potential in all.
But Savannah's awakening after having surgery on a life-threatening aneurysm brings a unique ability to the Delcarta sisters–together, each can predict the future with one of the five senses. And Savannah has the gift of sight.
A serial arsonist has been terrorizing the tight-knit community, and the Delcarta sisters have their suspicions on who could be to blame, including a boy who starts as an adversary to Savannah and then very quickly becomes her whole world. Investigating these crimes, trying to stop them before the next flame is sparked will call upon Savannah to use her newfound abilities with the help of her sisters, and will put each of their lives in danger.
This stunning new paranormal series blends the sweetest of romances with breathless suspense, and introduces five young women who share a haunted past, an extraordinary gift, and an uncertain future.
**Spoilers Included **
My Review:
I received this from Net Galley in an exchange for an honest review.
The book cover seems kind of redundant, within the book industry. However for this specific title, it is cohesive with the theme.
Writing: Very descriptive, smooth and entertaining. And everything linked well such as the
Delta waves= Delta Girls.
Really liked that, you definitely see thought went into that, and just the whole concept of the senses.
This book will be more appealing to pre-teens and teens in general.
Delta waves= Delta Girls.
Really liked that, you definitely see thought went into that, and just the whole concept of the senses.
This book will be more appealing to pre-teens and teens in general.
Themes present in this book are:
Savannah and Riley was very much cheesy and cookie cutter but it was a very pure.
Savannah and Riley was very much cheesy and cookie cutter but it was a very pure.
Savannah- Sight
Serena- Sound
Sasha- Smell
Talia- Touch
Literally, if I didn't have this guide of the characters, I would be confuse and mix them up.
Personally, I found it hard to keep track of the different characters especially, if their name begins in the same letter. Just my opinion.
is plaguing this book repeatedly.
Poor Mr. Jenkins the somewhat obvious criminal is actually innocent and the same one who ends up helping the girls. This just goes to show you should never judge a book by it's cover.
Poor Mr. Jenkins the somewhat obvious criminal is actually innocent and the same one who ends up helping the girls. This just goes to show you should never judge a book by it's cover.
The transition of the setting for me was really weird. You awake from a coma, but end up straight at the beach. I know, she had a near death experience and I'm all for embracing life after sudden death experience. But still the transition in the beginning is very weird and sudden.
To be honest, I was bored to death with this book, so much I purposely procrastinated to avoid reading this book. And thus didn't complete my June wrap up.

Also, this book didn't capture my attention very well. I found myself often times putting it down the book, and altogether not captivated to read it because it became a chore. Don't get me wrong, I love the theme and the idea but something about the end result is utterly boring.
In addition, that is a lot of kids, to have as a single parent. But nobody cares cause it is a work of fiction. I guess for the purpose of each different it only made sense too have so many children.
Till the end of Chapter 3, I can truly say I was engaged and curious. Which is weird since they discover their powers and all but the mysterious figure at the end of the chapter had me thinking.
*Detective Dame*
But unfortunately still lost interest in and between the story.
I did feel sympathy with Savannah and her death dad scene and the scenes where she has to explain her visions.......that must be hard, but that's about it.
Also, she has the gift of sight, right. She SAW what happen to Riley's dad yet she asks him, ''Did your dad left a suicide.
That rhetorical question was not needed and not mention, if I was the Riley character, I would find it strange that my girlfriend suddenly has a renewed interest in my dead father. Just saying.

Only to till the very end. I was truly frightened. And this is me five o'clock in the morning **reading through the night** and my heart is beating in chest, from fright. But then again I ask myself, why does it take approximately 350 pages?
I felt bad for previous comments because towards the end it blossoms into a nice story.
What the hell......the ending was so cheesy. Who celebrates sixteen and a half birthday?!?! I'll tell you.......NO ONE. Thankful the Savannah's mom explains why they threw that party in the first place.
But I appreciate every authors attempt to write and publish a book because it is not easy......very challenging and calls for a great deal of thought and creativity.
3 out 5 crowns
But unfortunately still lost interest in and between the story.
I did feel sympathy with Savannah and her death dad scene and the scenes where she has to explain her visions.......that must be hard, but that's about it.
Also, she has the gift of sight, right. She SAW what happen to Riley's dad yet she asks him, ''Did your dad left a suicide.
That rhetorical question was not needed and not mention, if I was the Riley character, I would find it strange that my girlfriend suddenly has a renewed interest in my dead father. Just saying.
Only to till the very end. I was truly frightened. And this is me five o'clock in the morning **reading through the night** and my heart is beating in chest, from fright. But then again I ask myself, why does it take approximately 350 pages?
I felt bad for previous comments because towards the end it blossoms into a nice story.
What the hell......the ending was so cheesy. Who celebrates sixteen and a half birthday?!?! I'll tell you.......NO ONE. Thankful the Savannah's mom explains why they threw that party in the first place.
But I appreciate every authors attempt to write and publish a book because it is not easy......very challenging and calls for a great deal of thought and creativity.
3 out 5 crowns
About this author

Juliet Madison is a naturopath-turned-author with a background in dance, art, internet marketing, and perfume sales (yes, she was one of those annoying people in department stores who spray you with perfume). Nowadays she prefers to indulge her propensity for multiple careers by living vicariously through her characters. She likes to put those characters into extraordinary situations and take them on a challenging journey to discover their true passion and inner strength, weaving in some laughs, tears, romance, and sometimes a touch of magic along the way.
Living near the beach on the beautiful south coast of New South Wales, Australia, Juliet spends as much time as possible writing and coming up with new ideas, while doing her best to avoid housework.
Juliet is a proud member and volunteer with The Romance Writers of Australia and she loves to interact online with readers and writers via twitter (@Juliet_Madison), and Facebook.She can be contacted through her website at www.julietmadison.com where readers can also download some free short stories.
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